Kredit di BPR

by Kreditek Financial Access



There are still many people who do not understand about Rural Banks which are often called BPRs.BPR is a bank that can provide services to its customers both for saving, depositing and applying for credit, besides that BPR is closely monitored by the OJK.“Pacoa Jara Kredit” is a PRODUCTIVE credit application platform that connects potential MSMEs with existing BPRs around the place of potential customers.By filling out the e-form provided by Pacoa Jara and choosing the place of residence of the prospective debtor, Pacoa Jara will automatically reference the name of the nearest BPR and then quickly BPR officers come to the prospective debtor and complete the data.Loans or credit to BPR will be very easy and charge competitive and measurable interest with the risk of the loan/credit requirement. The average loan interest at BPR is between 1% to 1.8% per month and has various installment methods that make it easier for debtors/borrowers.